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· 123tkShop
· A-Shop
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· AgoraCart
· Arab Cart
· asaancart
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· Autohouse II
· Autoload Shopping Cart
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· Cart97 PRO
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· cucema
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H.H.G. multistore
iG Shop
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· plebis commercium
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· profitCode Shopping Cart
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· rawcart
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· Reptux
S. C. Script Connector CastleKart
Selling Made Simple E-commerce Solution
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· A Shop (2)
· 4. phpbb3 - Shopping (2)
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· 3. Typo3 - Shopping (14)
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· 3. Drupal - Shopping (7)
· 2. XOOPS - Shopping (1)
· 2. PostNuke- / Zikula-Shopping (2)
· 1. PHPNuke-Shopping-Module (23)
· 1. PHPNuke-Shopping-Blöcke (30)
· 1. PHPNuke-Multi-Shop (10)

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  ! osc2Nuke vs. 7.8.31 phpBB 2.17 tar 
Beschreibung: Neueste Version vom 01.09.2005 mit diversen Änderungen:
phpBB 2.17
Security patch 3.1 from chatserv
New Your_account Administration (with customer information) and inclusion in user your_account consultation too
Improvement in your_account logout system for shopingcart content
Fix for order email status!
Version: 7.8.31 Dateigröße: 3.88 MB
Eingetragen am: 16.11.2005 Downloads: 13
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: 1. osC2Nuke

  ! osc2Nuke vs. 7.8.31 Splatt 4.4 tar 
Beschreibung: Neueste Version vom 01.09.2005 mit diversen Änderungen:
Splatt 4.4 with your_account, member_list and private message modification
Security patch 3.1 from chatserv
New Your_account Administration (with customer information) and inclusion in user your_account consultation too
Improvement in your_account logout system for shopingcart content
Fix for order email status!
Version: 7.8.31 Dateigröße: 4.08 MB
Eingetragen am: 16.11.2005 Downloads: 13
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: 1. osC2Nuke

  ! osc2Nuke vs. 7.8.31 Splatt 4.4 rar 
Beschreibung: Neueste Version vom 01.09.2005 mit diversen Änderungen:
Splatt 4.4 with your_account, member_list and private message modification
Security patch 3.1 from chatserv
New Your_account Administration (with customer information) and inclusion in user your_account consultation too
Improvement in your_account logout system for shopingcart content
Fix for order email status!
Version: 7.8.31 Dateigröße: 5.35 MB
Eingetragen am: 16.11.2005 Downloads: 14
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: 1. osC2Nuke

  ! osc2Nuke vs. 7.8.31 Splatt 4.4 zip 
Beschreibung: Neueste Version vom 01.09.2005 mit diversen Änderungen:
Splatt 4.4 with your_account, member_list and private message modification
Security patch 3.1 from chatserv
New Your_account Administration (with customer information) and inclusion in user your_account consultation too
Improvement in your_account logout system for shopingcart content
Fix for order email status!
Version: 7.8.31 Dateigröße: 5.80 MB
Eingetragen am: 16.11.2005 Downloads: 35
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: 1. osC2Nuke

  jShopz vs. 2.0 tar 
Beschreibung: Features Version 2.0:
Alle Infrastruktur Komponenten sind lizenzkostenfrei
Beliebig viele Produktkategorien und Unterkategorien
Konfigurierbare Produktattribute (Größe, Farbe, ...); inkl. möglicher Aufpreise
Einfache Datenpflege über den MS Access - Client Warenkorb
Benutzerregistrierung und Newsletter - Funktion
Auswerte - Statistik
Linklisten - Verwaltung
Bei Anzeige Produktdetails kontextsensitives Menü für gleichartige Produkte
Alle wichtigen Parameter sind über die Datenbank oder eine Konfigurationsdatei einstellbar!
Version: 2.0 Dateigröße: 477.50 Kb
Eingetragen am: 23.11.2005 Downloads: 76
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: jShopz

  ReadyShop vs. 0.1 zip 
Beschreibung: The ReadyShop product has been designed to integrate seamlessly with Plone, the basis for our ReadyNet hosting package.
The ReadyShop product is a Zope product that allows shops to be created and run on Plone sites (including the ReadyNet package from Oxford Internet Consultants).
ReadyShop is currently integrated with ProtX and WorldPay, with an object-oriented design making new Payment Gateway integration easier than it has ever been.
Objects are added into the ReadyShop using the standard Plone method of adding a new item. You can click to add a checkout, a basket, and as many products as you want, wherever you want within your site. All the links are handled for you, with a MySQL database providing the stable and quick response needed for a good online shop.
ReadyShop uses image resizing to create thumbnails and optimized views for your product. These are created when you upload a single image to the product via it's edit screen, hence allowing cacheing of images and improved performance.
ReadyShop will run on Linux, Windows or MacOS X - in fact, it should run on any system on which you can install MySQL and Plone!
Version: 0.1 Dateigröße: 50.30 Kb
Eingetragen am: 23.11.2005 Downloads: 33
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: ReadyShop

  ReadyShop vs. 0.1 tar 
Beschreibung: The ReadyShop product has been designed to integrate seamlessly with Plone, the basis for our ReadyNet hosting package.
The ReadyShop product is a Zope product that allows shops to be created and run on Plone sites (including the ReadyNet package from Oxford Internet Consultants).
ReadyShop is currently integrated with ProtX and WorldPay, with an object-oriented design making new Payment Gateway integration easier than it has ever been.
Objects are added into the ReadyShop using the standard Plone method of adding a new item. You can click to add a checkout, a basket, and as many products as you want, wherever you want within your site. All the links are handled for you, with a MySQL database providing the stable and quick response needed for a good online shop.
ReadyShop uses image resizing to create thumbnails and optimized views for your product. These are created when you upload a single image to the product via it's edit screen, hence allowing cacheing of images and improved performance.
ReadyShop will run on Linux, Windows or MacOS X - in fact, it should run on any system on which you can install MySQL and Plone!
Version: 0.1 Dateigröße: 40.20 Kb
Eingetragen am: 23.11.2005 Downloads: 6
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: ReadyShop

  dev/coin vs. 0.9.11 tar 
Beschreibung: dev/coin is a Web shop for small solutions with an easy-to-use Web interface. It features totally data-based document generation, layout and product information separated using XSLT-style tags, a Web-based administration interface, ECML 1.1 support, and a number of products and layout templates limited only by the underlying database (MySQL)!
Version: 0.9.11 Dateigröße: 72.04 Kb
Eingetragen am: 10.01.2006 Downloads: 30
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: dev/coin

  PHP-MultiShop vs. 0.8 gz 
Beschreibung: The last release available for download is multishop-devel-0.8, with many new features as: the Installer for the portal-side, the improved installer for the store-side, the upgrade to PHPNuke 7.8 and Security Patch 3.1!
Version: 0.8 Dateigröße: 5.04 MB
Eingetragen am: 15.07.2006 Downloads: 11
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: 1. PHPNuke-Multi-Shop

  PHP-MultiShop vs. 0.8 zip  Populärste
Beschreibung: The last release available for download is multishop-devel-0.8, with many new features as: the Installer for the portal-side, the improved installer for the store-side, the upgrade to PHPNuke 7.8 and Security Patch 3.1!
Version: 0.8 Dateigröße: 7.84 MB
Eingetragen am: 15.07.2006 Downloads: 132
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: 1. PHPNuke-Multi-Shop

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